
EDIT: Fixed a dumb typo in one of the images. If you see anything else weird/ridiculous, please check the source post as I will have hopefully fixed it. lol this is why you shouldn’t rush

Yu Yu Hakusho 2017 #YuYear event 

January 30 prompt: #18 “Unexpected”
Pencil, fountain pen (Lennon Toolbar Iron Deep Blue and Papier Plume Sepia), waterbrush

An idea that quickly got out of hand. Part of me is like “I shoulda put more effort into this…” and the other part of me is like “well this was a lot of effort just for the sake of the last page!!” lol

I think Hokushin is quite a good storyteller/narrator, and I wanted to try updating his tale now that we know how it all turns out. Obviously, I had to drop a lot of details for the sake of brevity/impact. It was an interesting editing challenge, and just a fun scripting and paneling exercise in general.

The Makai Museum of Political History appears in my post-series fanfic Ends of the Earth, if you wanna read more about it! 

Right here (direct link to chapter 4. All the stories are pretty self-contained so even though they reference each other they can be read in nearly any order.)

Yu Yu Hakusho: Ends of the Earth


Very loose translation: She is thanking you for bringing her something and telling you you should stay the night, as it’s a long way back. Also being pouty at your hesitance because she already prepared a bed for you.

Aka, sleepover with Young Genkai! My dream!


I’ll post a few more RAWs as I prepare them. But it’ll be a while before translations are done. So please have patience 🙂